Holland Park Nanny

Holland Park Nanny

Holland Park Nanny

Childcare Help has been offering Holland Park nanny placements for over a decade. Our tailored nanny recruitment services make Childcare Help the leaders in our field.

Our Holland Park Nannies are experienced caregivers.

Standards of Holland park nannies:

Childcare Help understands the importance of safety when recruiting nanny candidates for a private family home. This is why we have a comprehensive and detailed vetting procedure with the longest guarantee period in the industry.

When we place a nanny with your family we expect high standards including a current Paediatric First Aid certification and recommendations from previous employers.

Finding Holland Park Nanny:

We have an extensive network of nannies in Holland Park and throughout the UK, our nanny candidates are handpicked for each role they are put forward for.

Childcare Help understands that no two UK families are alike which is why we provide a personalized service to ensure that requirements and expectations are met.

Holland Park Nannies, Au Pairs vetting process:

Our Holland Park nanny and childcare candidates undergo strict vetting procedures, developed and refined during our years of experience in the nanny industry. Every nanny candidate is interviewed in person by a trained Childcare Help consultant.

In addition to our Holland Park nanny service, Childcare Help offer Holland Park childcare and domestic placements of au pairs, mothers help housekeepers, and nanny-housekeepers in live-in, live-out, and part-time roles.

To match you with local vetted candidates we need a little information about you:

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