Childcare Qualifications for Nurseries

Childcare Qualifications for Nurseries

Childcare qualifications :
Here we have provided a small in depth section of the different Childcare courses and qualifications that our Nursery staff have to offer. This should give you more clarity and a greater understanding to the process the Nursery candidate have undergone in order to obtain their qualifications and become childcare specialists.
Our Childcare Help Nursery Staff come from various different educational backgrounds.
EYFS The early years foundation stage.
The Early Years Foundation Stage is a distance learning course completed in a 90H time frame , once completed you will be rewarded a level 3 in childcare, there are no entry level requirements. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from 0- 5 years old.
This course provides guidance for practitioners on meeting the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and it aims to provide useful advice and detailed information for supporting children’s learning and development. All schools and OFSTED registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.
Once you’ve done this, you’ll then need to complete your early years initial teacher training (ITT) and demonstrate that you’ve met the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years). These operate in parallel with the current Teachers’ Standards, and have been designed specifically for early years teachers to ensure that your training and assessment is appropriate for children from birth to age five.
DPP Diploma in Playgroup Practice
The Pre-School Learning Alliance diploma is a one year course based in and around Nurseries, play groups and early year centers. The children learn through the art of play.
Experienced Nannies
No formal training is required. However, the nanny may have had previous experience in the private sector. Nannies will be Ofsted Registered as standard, varied experience is just as valuable as a qualification.
Montessori Diploma
This is a privately run training course that is taken on a full-time basis or by correspondence. Montessori methods are based on the Italian practitioner Maria Montessor, her philosophy was based on the belief that all children could be self sufficient learners, Targeting the ages of course 2-12. Maria believed that each child is born as a blank slate with a unique potential, waiting to be written upon, that children Continually adapting to a structured environment in order to fulfill their greatest potential, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Norland, Princess Christian and Chiltern
These are all private colleges, which us their own nurseries as a training site. The duration of the course last Two years which is the followed by a probation period of 6-9 months. Multiple child care related subjects are covered. Once the course is completed the students receive an NNEB and a health diploma.
What the qualification allows the STUDENT to do:
Nannies from the private colleges are generally quite good. However a private college training is not a guarantee of success and it is just as important to carry out the background checks and references.
NAMCW – National Association of Maternal & Child Welfare
The NAMWC Certificate is a two-year course covering the ages 0 – 7.
This advanced certificate is is probably the most recognised qualification aimed at more mature students such as childminders who wish to study for a Professional Qualification. The courses covers various subjects and gives students knowledge of the physical, intellectual, social and emotional needs of different ages. Practical placements are an integral part of the course. Once the NNEB qualification has been successfully completed, the candidate is well qualified to start working in a nursery
What the course involves:
Other subjects include first aid, learning how to interact with parents and other professionals in childcare.
What the qualification allows the STUDENT to do:
Once successfully completed the NNEB qualification, the candidate is well qualified to start working in a nursery or as as Nanny. element of parental guidance
CACHE -The Council for Awards in Childcare and Education
The Council for Awards in Childcare and Education is now an online course, It was originally established in 1945. Now this qualification is globally recognised.
CACHE process; Once registered you will be assigned with a tutor that will help assist you throughout the duration of the 12 month course and prepare you for the examinations. This course of study consists of 14 different modules covering both theory and practical areas of childcare. Once completed you have completed your course you will receive a CACHE certificate. You are now qualified to start your career in childcare and begin working with children.
What the course involves:
14 different modules covering both theory and practical areas of childcare.
What the qualification allows the student to do:
Nannies who have a CACHE certificate are qualified to start their career in childcare and begin working with children.
NNEB – National Nursery Examination Board
This National Nursery examination board was established in 1945. This course of study has been recognised and held up as the gold standard for those working in childcare.
NNEB is a two year course of study covering the early years sector ages of 0-7. It provides hands-on experience in relevant establishments such as, Schools, Nurseries and hospitals. This particular course of study contains subjects such as, appropriate play, first aid, health and hygiene, giving students an in-depth knowledge of the intellectual, emotional,physical, social and needs of the various age groups.
BTEC – Business & Technical Education Council Nursery Nursing Diploma
A BTEC National Diploma in Childcare Studies (Nursery Nursing) is a full-time two year course. This study is of a higher level than the NNEB diploma. When studying a BTEC you would be expected to complete various modules, as the course places more emphasis on the academic work ‘Practical’ and ‘theoretical’ based. No examination will be required, you will solely be assessed on your coursework and practical assessments based on modules relevant to your course.
Assessors focus mainly on your engagement and the naturally inclination you have with children as well as the knowledge you have gained of the two year period of study.
If you have an extremely busy individual and are unsure about making a two year commitment to a course of study, you may want to consider studying a BTEC National Certificate in Childhood Studies. This course can be taken on a part-time basis over a 12 month period. However, it is a lower level than a A BTEC National Diploma in Child Studies .
What the course involves:
A Btec is very similar to the NNEB, however the course contains a slightly more more intellectual curriculum. Practical community assignments are part of the curriculum, human growth and learning activities as well as Childcare practice.
What the qualification allows the student to do:
The BTEC diploma emphasises both Practical and academic modules. People with a BTEC diploma are qualified to start a career as a nanny or being working in a nursery.
NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) Levels 2, 3 & 4
An NVQ is a work based qualification that can be completed over a period of two years.
There are various NVQ levels 2,3& 4 this qualification recognises the skills and knowledge a person needs to do a job. The candidate will be given hands-on experience, and will be able to demonstrate and prove their competency in their chosen role or career path. There are no examinations therefore, candidates are subject to assessment in the workplace by assessors who operate from the local NVQ assessment centre.
What the course involves:
Level 2: assessed in a range of competencies dealing with children’s physical, emotional and social development.
Level 3: assessed across 15 units including ability to work and care for children without supervision and management and support for parents and family.
Level 4: assessed for the ability to run and develop a play area and supervise other staff.
What the qualification allows the STUDENT to do:
Level 2: qualified to begin a career in childcare, either in nursery or as a mother’s help.
Level 3: largely equivalent to an NNEB . Qualified to work as a nanny but some parental involvement and guidance is recommended for newly qualified candidates
Level 4: qualified for all types of childcare careers.
ADCE Advanced Diploma in Childcare and Education
The ADCE is exclusively available to highly experienced Childcarers and most commonly used by aspiring Nursery Managers . This two-year child care course is exam based using assessments and training methods that cover a wide range of subjects such as, maternity, paediatric care in a hospital and it too includes work that addresses special educational needs..
Qualified ADCE personnel can take on practically any childcare role up to nursery manager level.
Students who successfully complete the course and pass all exams including the final Norland assessment then become probationers. Once they have completed a one year probationary post they are rewarded the Norland Diploma badge. This is given in addition to the NNEB qualification.

What the course involves:

Advanced course work dealing with special educational needs and with appraisal and training methods of childcare and education.

What the qualification allows the student to do:
People who have an ADCE diploma are qualified to do almost any job in childcare and the course is only open to experienced child carers. The manager of your local nursery will probably be run by someone with an ADCE diploma.

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